Your Power, Your Future, Your Say
Planning your energy future
Endeavour Energy is committed to developing truly customer-focused plans that reflect the priorities and needs of our customers for the next regulatory period (2024 - 2029) and beyond. We are looking ahead to the extraordinary growth forecast for Western Sydney while we also transform to a modern grid, combining traditional and renewable energy sources to deliver affordable, innovative services and greater energy choice for our customers.
To develop a new Regualtory Proposal, we have established a Regulatory Reference Group (RRG) of key stakeholders to co-design our engagement program and to co-design ourContinue reading
Planning your energy future
Endeavour Energy is committed to developing truly customer-focused plans that reflect the priorities and needs of our customers for the next regulatory period (2024 - 2029) and beyond. We are looking ahead to the extraordinary growth forecast for Western Sydney while we also transform to a modern grid, combining traditional and renewable energy sources to deliver affordable, innovative services and greater energy choice for our customers.
To develop a new Regualtory Proposal, we have established a Regulatory Reference Group (RRG) of key stakeholders to co-design our engagement program and to co-design our Proposal, challenging us to acheive a customer-focused outcome.
Endeavour Energy welcomes participation from the broadest possible spectrum of customers and interested stakeholders as we work towards the submission of a customer-focused Proposal to the AER in January 2023.
There are many opportunities to participate, engage and provide your insights, including deliberative forums, stakeholder deep dives, customer surveys and online engagement on this website. Please register to follow this site for opportunities to have your say, as well as for updates on our Proposal.
In the meantime, please contact us to discuss how you would like to be involved.
The Regulatory Reset
Every five years, electricity distribution networks like Endeavour Energy are required to submit a Regulatory Proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator(External link) (AER) that details our plans to deliver your power supply, including investments in building and maintaining the network, customer service and proposed tariffs. The AER considers that Proposal and makes a determination on the revenue we can recover to fund our network plans.
Our current regulatory period ends on 30 June 2024, and we have started planning for the upcoming five-year period starting 1 July 2024 and running until to 30 June 2029.
In-language deliberative engagement with Vietnamese customers
In August and September, we conducted our first ever deliberative engagement in language, working with Vietnamese customers on two key questions that the Customer Panel also considered relating to reliability and future energy choices.
We partnered with the NSW Ethnic Communities Council (NSWECC) to undertake this narrow but deep engagement with Vietnamese customers, which was co-designed with our Regulatory Reference Group (RRG).
We found an interesting distinction in these customers' priorities, with greater importance placed on investment in reliability than future energy choices, and Vietnamese customers opting for a smaller price increase to deliver their preferred service outcomes. You can see NSW ECC's report here.
Keep a look out for our Engagement Summary Report to see how we considered diverse customer views in the development of our Draft Proposal.
Quantitative survey of 1,250 customers... see what they said
We have worked deeply this year with a panel of 89 customers to identify their priorities and preferences for their future energy service. But we have sought customer opinions widely as well - in August undertaking a quantitative survey of 1,250 residential and small to medium business customers to see if their views diverged from our Customer Panel.
Our survey found that the cost of living was the most concerning contextual issue for our residential customers, followed by the cost of electrcity and the economy. Business customers identified the economy as their primary concern, followed by climate change and supply chain issues.
When it comes to their electricty service, reliability was the most important current service priority by both residential and business customers. Residential customers then prioritised responding to emergencies and managing the network efficiently as their next priorities, while business customers prioritised strengthening the network (improving resilience) and safety-related issues as their next priorities.
These findings were broadly in line with the aspriations and expecations of our Customer Panel. To find out more about our customers' views for their current and future service, you can read here the detailed quantitative survey outcomes report, or you can see here a summary of the findings that was presented to our Customer Panel in September.
Stakeholders have spoken on the key issues
Our two Stakeholder Deep Dives in July and August have provided clear insights about stakeholder preferences on the key questions that customers and stakehodlers can influence as we develop investment plans for the future of your energy. Please see here how stakeholders responded to key questions on reliability, resilience, growth, connections policy, future energy choices and our tariff structrure, and how their preferences compared to the preferences and priorities of our Customer Panel.
The agenda and presentation deck for our August Stakeholder Deep Dive can also be found here.
These insights are shaping and refining our plans for a Draft Regualtory Proposal, which will be released on 31 October, 2022.
Customer Panel preferences revealed
Our Customer Panel's preferences on key questions impacting their energy future have been revealed following a series of deliberative forums and work undertaken in an online community throughout April to June. Please see here the results from our Customer Panel.
Customers participating on the Panel were asked to select investment options to deliver reliability, resilience, growth, future energy choices and our tariffs structure and conenctions policy, with indicative costs associated. The Panel was asked re-consider their preferences several times, and to consider them altogether to identify whether some service outcomes were more valuable to them than others. The two most valued service outcomes were investing in network resilience and in enabling future energy choices.
We will reconvene our Customer Panel later this month to show how our investment plans have been infleucned by their preferences, and to check in with them about whether their preferences have changed sicne we last met.
Stakeholders dive deep into the issues
Endeavour Energy has held the first of two Stakeholder Deep Dives to test aspects of our Preliminary Proposal and to ask informed stakeholders across government, industry and consumer agencies to consider the feedback received by our Customer Panel, which completed the second wave of their deliberations in June.
The first Deep Dive focused on affordability, reliability, resilience, growth and connections policy. We are pleased to share the presentation for the Deep Dive here. We welcome your interest in these discussions and would be pleased to address queries or submissions on these issues at any time during our engagement program via
Another Deep Dive is scheduled for 8 August focusing on our tariff structure and approaches to modernising the grid to enable our customers' future energy choices. Please see here our invitiation for Deep Dive Two and register to attend.
Customer Panel in their voice
Our Customer Panel has worked on seven key questions regarding the delivery of their future energy service - considering their preferences and priorities for affordability, reliability, network resilience, how we approach the unprecedented growth of Western Sydney, who pays for new customer connections, how we structure our tariffs and how we should enable future customer choices.
All 89 members showed incredible commitment over the two months that the Customer Panel convened, and provided clear insights on these complex issues that will shape the development of our future plans. A full report on the findings of the Panel will be released in a few weeks.
Some customers volunteered to share their views about the process of being on the Customer Panel, their views about energy, and their views about Endeavour Energy. We are proud to share their reflections with you - in their voice. Please see here a link to a 3-minute video of our customers. You can also view an unedited 8-minute video of customer reflections here.
We look forward to reconvening with our Customer Panel in September to test our plans further with them!
Our Customer Panel has kicked off!
Endeavour Energy's Customer Panel has commenced collaborative deliberations about the energy service they want to see Endeavour Energy deliver in the future. The Panel comprises 88 customers representing all regions and demographics across our very diverse customers. Please have a look at the presentations made to our Customer Panel. You can find the first forum pack here and the second forum pack here.
Online activities for the Customer Panel The panel is working through tasks and discussion boards in three, regionally-based online communities and then convening all together in a series of Zoom forums to consider key questions about:
- Affordability and reliability
- Resilience
- Managing growth
- Who pays for new connections
- Modernising the network to enable customer choice and renewables
- Long term interests of customers
The Panel has worked through the first four key questions and will reconvene in June to work through the remaining questions.
Customer Panel Zoom forum 18 May 2022
Western Sydney Growth - site tour
Our customer advocates working with us on the development of our Regulatory Proposal toured sites in Western Sydney this week, taking in the growth and development that is already underway, including the Western Sydney International Airport. We stopped at the new Zone Substation at South Erskine Park, which already has plans for expansion before it has completed construction, to accomodate the influx of large commercial customers in Western Sydney, such as data centres.
Preliminary Proposal - have your say!
We proudly share with you our our Preliminary Proposal for the 2024-2029 regualtory period, and warmly encourage considered feedback from our customers and informed energy and consumer advocates.
Our mission is to balance our core service commitments of safety, affordability and reliability with a transformation from a traditional ‘poles and wires’ network to a facilitator of customer technologies.
We want to get this balance of dependability and vision right, and we need your input to help us plan investments that deliver on our core promises and help us deliver our vision, and your vision for the future
We want to efficiently deliver a clean energy future including smart meters, batteries, electric vehicles and solar that will enable customers to generate, store, share and sell back electricity into the grid. We are doing so while responding to a changing climate and increasing weather extremes to improve community resilience. We are also delivering this transformation while enabling extraordinary growth in ourregions as Greater Western Sydney transforms into a hub of industry andinnovation surrounding the Western Sydney International Airport.
Please have your say on our plans for your energy future.
Endeavour Energy Business Narrative
Endeavour Energy is pleased to share its Business Narrative supporting the development of our future energy services and investment plans for the upcoming regualtory period (2024-2029).
We listened to seasoned stakeholders and customer advocates from our own Regulatory Reference Group (RRG) and members of the Australian Energy Regulator's Consumer Challenge Panel (CCP), who advised that having a clear and coherent Business Narrative early on was an important feature of a constructive and well-informed engagement program.
Our Business Narrative identifies:
- 6 external drivers influencing the energy sector today;
- 5 key customer preferences from our early exploratory research; and,
- 4 investment themes that we believe reflect our customers' early preferences and the changing energy ecosystem.
This document will be reviewed again later this year to ensure it remains consistent with further feedback we will hear from customers during our regulatory engagement program.
We warmly invite you to consider our Business Narrative for the upcoming regulatory reset. If you have any queries or feedback regarding the Business Narrative, please email
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Engagement Timeline
Discover (Apr - Sept 2021)
Your Power, Your Future, Your Say has finished this stageUnderstand customer preferences and co-design engagement approach
- Regulatory Reference Group
- Co-design engagement plan
- Exploratory customer research
Explore (Oct 2021 - Apr 2022)
Your Power, Your Future, Your Say has finished this stageDeeper exploration of key issues to develop a Preliminary Proposal
- Retailer and RRG engagement
- Consumer Challenge Panel
- State of the Network Forums
Preliminary Proposal (Apr 2022)
Your Power, Your Future, Your Say has finished this stageA substantial reference for informed engagement on potential future plans
Prioritise (May - Oct 2022)
Your Power, Your Future, Your Say has finished this stageBroad and deep engagement on what customers expect and value
- Customer deliberative forums
- Stakeholder deep dives
- Quantitative research
Draft Proposal Published (Oct 2022)
Your Power, Your Future, Your Say has finished this stageDraft Proposal reflecting customer insights submitted to the AER
Refine (Nov 2022 - Jan 2023)
Your Power, Your Future, Your Say has finished this stageRefining our plans to submit a Final Proposal to customers and the AER
- Key stakeholder engagement
- Your Say portal
- Closing all feedback loops
Final Proposal (Jan 2023)
Your Power, Your Future, Your Say is currently at this stage
Key Reading
Submitted Regulatory Proposal January 2023
AER's Consumer Challenge Panel (CCP26) submission on Endeavour Energy Proposal, May 2023.pdf (447 KB) (pdf)
Endeavour_Energy_regulatory_proposal_summary_fact_sheet_31-01-23.pdf (1.02 MB) (pdf)
Endeavour Energy Regulatory Proposal Overview - January 2023.pdf (13.8 MB) (pdf)
Endeavour Energy Regulatory Proposal - January 2023.pdf (10.9 MB) (pdf)
endeavour_energy_customer_panel_wave_3_presentation_September_2022.pdf (3.95 MB) (pdf)
Endeavour Energy - Tariff Structure Statement - January 2023.pdf (683 KB) (pdf)
Endeavour Energy - Tariff Structure Explanatory Statement - January 2023.pdf (4.72 MB) (pdf)
Proposals (Preliminary, Draft)
endeavour_energy_draft_proposal_october_2022.pdf (10.9 MB) (pdf)
endeavour_energy_reg_engagement_stats_OCT_2022.pdf (362 KB) (pdf)
endeavour_energy_regulatory_engagement_summary_report_October_2022.pdf (9.66 MB) (pdf)
endeavour_energy_draft_proposal_launch_presentation_deck_28-10-22.pdf (7.31 MB) (pdf)
Endeavour_Energy_Draft_Proposal_launch_invitation_October_2022.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
Endeavour_Energy_Preliminary_Proposal_April_2022 (16.5 MB) (pdf)
Our Engagement Plan
Customer Research
Customer Panel Wave 4 Outcomes Report_June 2023.pdf (666 KB) (pdf)
Endeavour_Energy_time-of-use_tariffs_knowledge_review_March_2023.pdf (1.86 MB) (pdf)
Endeavour Energy Refine Phase stakeholder feedback report_December_22.pdf (419 KB) (pdf)
endeavour_energy_customer_panel_outcomes_report_october_2022.pdf (4.73 MB) (pdf)
endeavour_energy_quantitative_customer_survey_final_report_october_2022.pdf (3.18 MB) (pdf)
NSWECC_deliberative_engagement_in-vietnamese_final_report_october_2022.pdf (389 KB) (pdf)
Endeavour Energy_Stakeholder Deep Dives_Outcomes Report _August2022.pdf (1.15 MB) (pdf)
Endeavour_Energy_Customer_Panel_Final_Report_Wave_1-and-2_July-2022.pdf (4.01 MB) (pdf)
Local Government Workshop Report July 2022.pdf (1.15 MB) (pdf)
High Energy Users Workshop Report_March 2022 (1.04 MB) (pdf)
Exploratory Customer Research Summary Report - October 2021 (220 KB) (pdf)
Exploratory Customer Research Full Report October 2021 (3.58 MB) (pdf)
Stakeholder Deep Dives
Customer Panel Forum Presentations
Endeavour Energy Business Narrative
The Regulatory Reference Group (RRG)
RRG_ report - Endeavour Energy Regulatory Proposal - March 2023 (542 KB) (pdf)
RRG report - Endeavour Energy Draft Plan - November 2022 (1.02 MB) (pdf)
RRG report - Endeavour Energy Preliminary Plan - August 2022.pdf (2.12 MB) (pdf)
Regulatory Reference Group membership (120 KB) (pdf)
Regulatory Reference Group Terms of Reference Jan 22 (177 KB) (pdf)
AER Better Resets Handbook
Joint Network Engagement
Useful References
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